Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1786/43-1533

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

You did not specify which serials make people convert to Islam. However, in this regard, it should be kept in mind that only the goal and the result should not be good, but also the steps to achieve this goal should be good and in accordance with Shariah. Serials usually contain a lot of obscene and prohibited materials. So watching such serials should be avoided according to shari'ah.   

And Allah knows best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 870/41-134

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful 

The answer to your question is as follows:

You can make niyyat of such optional prayers along with Salat al-Tasbeeh prayer.  It is written in Fatawa Mahmoodiya that making niyyat of Istighfar, Salatul hajat etc in Tahiyyatul Wudu is allowable. The same is mentioned in other Fiqh books. (Fatawa Mahmudiya 7/712)

 وکذا یصح لو نوی نافلتین او اکثر کمالونوی تحیۃ مسجد وسنۃ وضوء وضحی وکسوف (حاشیۃ الطحطاوی باب شروط الصلوۃ وارکانہا 1/216)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 2437/45-3704

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

During the state of Ihram, one is not allowed to use fragrance or items that contain fragrance. Generally, make-up items contain fragrance, though in slightest amount. So, one should avoid such make-up items. However, if the make-up items do not contain any fragrance and do not smell as perfume, then it can be used and there is no harm using it during Ihram.

عن أم سلمۃ رضي اللّٰہ عنہا قالت: قال رسول اللّٰہ صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم: لا تطیبي وأنت محرمۃ ولا تمسي الحناء فإنہ طیب۔ (المعجم الکبیر للطبراني ۲۳؍۴۱۸ رقم: ۱۰۱۲، معرفۃ السنن والآثار ۴؍۲۶ رقم: ۲۸۶۱، نصب الرایۃ، الحج / باب الجنایات ۳؍۱۲۴)

والإسلام قد حرم علی المرأۃ أن تکشف شیئاً من عورتہا أمام الأجانب خشیۃ الفتنۃ۔ (روائع البیان ۲؍۱۶۲، بحوالہ: فتاویٰ محمودیہ ۲۸؍۹۵ میرٹھ)

ثم اعلم أن المحرم رجلاً کان أو امرأۃ ممنوع عن استعمال الطیب، فإن طیب محرم بالغ عضواً کاملاً فعلیہ دم، فإن طیب أقل من عضو تجب الصدقۃ ہو الصحیح۔ (البحر العمیق ۲؍۸۲۸)

والمحرم رجلاً کان أو امرأۃ ممنوع من استعمال الطیب، فإذا طیب عضواً کاملاً فعلیہ دم، وفي أقلہ صدقۃ أي في الصحیح۔ (مناسک ملا علی القاري ۳۱۲)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 41/1088

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

We contacted some ulama of South Africa and came to know that Mufti Ibrahim Desai sb is a great Alim and one of the followers of Deoband school of thought. He is from ahle sunnat wal Jamat. His Fatawa on the website askimam are authentic and approved.

And Allah knows the best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 937/41-75

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

Niyyat refers to intention of one's heart. The intention does not need to be uttered verbally. If a person utters something by mistake that goes against what he intended, then the intention is counted not his wordings. Therefore, if you were determined (by heart) to pray isha namaz and uttered ‘Magrib’ instead of ‘Isha’, mistakenly due to slip of your tongue, then your namaz would be regarded valid. You needed not to do Tahrima again. Nevertheless, if you uttered extra ‘Allahu Akbar’ after Tahrima it didn’t invalidate your namaz yet. So don’t worry regarding the validity of your namaz in this case.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1076/41-271

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

It is not permissible for a Sunni Muslim girl to marry a Shia person whose believes are based on kufr.  Children have to obey their parents and consider their will or opinion. In this way their future would be safe in-sha Allah.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1399/42-808

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

This dream suggests that your relation with that girl will not end up to be good. So you had better stay away from her.

And Allah knows bests

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 41/1090

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

Some Ulama have prescribed the same, hence there is nothing wrong in this explanation.

إنَّمَا قَصَرَ الْأَجْزَاءَ عَلَى سِتَّةٍ وَأَرْبَعِينَ ; لِأَنَّ زَمَانَ الْوَحْيِ كَانَ ثَلَاثًا وَعِشْرِينَ سَنَةً. وَكَانَ أَوَّلَ مَا بُدِئَ بِهِ مِنَ الْوَحْيِ الرُّؤْيَا الصَّالِحَةُ، وَذَلِكَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَشْهُرٍ مِنْ سِنِيِّ الْوَحْيِ، وَنِسْبَةُ ذَلِكَ إِلَى سَائِرِهَا نِسْبَةُ جُزْءٍ إِلَى سِتَّةٍ وَأَرْبَعِينَ جُزْءًا. (مرقاۃ المفاتیح 7/2913)

And Allah knows the best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1201 Alif

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

The dream of the questioner is very pleasing. There will be happiness in his life insha Allah. He should do isale sawab i.e. ask Allah for the forgiveness of their sins, and to raise the spiritual status of the deceased.

And Allah knows best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 39 / 0000

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:


We don’t know the reality about most of them. So we cannot say anything certain about them. You had better to consult the above mentioned institutes and personalities to talk about some of aqaid-e-ahle-sunnat and ask their views about them. Hopefully, in this way you will be able to find answers to your questions.

And Allah knows best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband