Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 961/41-105 B

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

If you know a person whose whole or major source of income is from haram, then it is not permissible to accept gifts from him. But if you have no knowledge about his income whether being haram or halal, then you can accept gifts from him and you are not obliged to check the source of his income.

Doing a job in a non-Muslim country is allowed. Government’s income maybe Halal and Haram for government itself, but for an employee whatever he receives from the government is his wage paid in exchange for his work.

As far as the Interest money is concerned it is Haram whether it is received from bank or other sources, whatsoever.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 2786/45-4342

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

Kufr will be applied to the one who utters the words of Kufr from the tongue; in fact, it is not possible to know what is in the heart of the speaker, so the focal point of Kufr will be on the pronunciation of Kufr words. Therefore, unless the person repents, he will not be treated like a Muslim. He is obliged to go through the repentance and renewal of faith along with the renewal of the marriage if he is married.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 863/41-1093 A

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

Allamah Jarullah Zamakhshari was Hanafite in school of thought and according to his belief he was Mu’tazilite. 

الزمخشری جاراللہ: کان اماما  فی التفسیر والنحو واللغۃ والادب واسع العلم کبیرالفضل متفننا فی علوم شتی معتزلی المذھب متجاھرا بذلک۔ (معجم الادباء 6/2688)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1248 Alif

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as it follows:

If you have started doing a particular good deed, you should continue the same, else do take full care of your daily prayers, and work hard for your Halal living. Such a dream indicates that a good period of your life has begun, and you will do what will benefit you in the hereafter too. May Allah grant us taufiq to do good deeds and what that pleases Him! And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 41/1086

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

It is Wajib (necessary) to proceed for Juma prayer after first Azan is called. Therefore, sleeping or doing any transaction that interferes in the process will not be permissible. Allah says in the holy Quran: O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday, hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business; that is best for you if ye but knew! (The Quran, 62/9).

So, it is necessary on the first Azan (which is recited when the sun begins to decline) to leave off business and hasten to Friday prayer.

(قوله ويجب السعي وترك البيع بالأذان الأول) لقوله تعالى {يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا نودي للصلاة من يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله وذروا البيع} [الجمعة: 9] (البحرالرائق ۲/۱٦٨)

And Allah knows best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1004 Alif

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

صورت مسئولہ میں شوہر اپنے پہلے دھرم پر ہی ہے اور اسے اسی پر رہنے کے لئے اصرار و ضد ہے اور بیوی مسلمان ہوگئی تو وہ نکاح ختم ہوگیا۔ اس پہلے شوہر کےساتھ بیوی بن کر رہنے کی اسلامی اعتبار سے کوئی گنجائش نہیں ہے۔ اور اب کسی مسلمان سے شرعی طریقہ پر نکاح کرنا چاہے تو کرسکتی ہے۔ کذا فی الفتاوی۔ تاہم کسی اچھے عالم دین سے مل کر اگر مسئلہ اچھی طرح سمجھ لیں تو بہتر ہے۔   

واللہ تعالی اعلم



دارالعلوم وقف دیوبند

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 2775/45-4326

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

You should be happy with the height Allah has made you. Don't make everything a cause of depression. Try to develop your qualification and ability skills, it will remove your depression itself. If it is possible to increase the height with a medicinal treatment, it can be done. To help your body reach its natural potential, a proper exercise should be done in the surveillance of an expert. The above surgery for increasing height is not allowed.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 2388/44-3620

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

It is recommended for a person who intends to sacrifice, not to cut his hair and nails from the sighting of the moon of Dhul-Hijjah until he performs the sacrifice. The prohibition mentioned in the hadith is only about cutting hair and nails. So, there is no problem in having physical relations with one's wife.

عن سلمة رضي اللّٰہ عنہا أن النبي صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم قال: اذا دخلت العشر، وأراد أحدکم أن یضحي، فلا یمس من شعرہ و بشرہ شیئاً۔۔۔ قال العثماني التھانوي: نہی النبي صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم من أراد التضحیة عن قلم الأظفار وقص الشعر في العشر الأول، والنہي محمول عندنا علی خلاف الأولی لما روي عن عائشة رضي اللّٰہ عنہا أن النبي صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم کان یبعث بہدیة، ولا یحرم علیہ شیء أحلہ اللّٰہ لہ حتی ینحر ہدیہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ (اعلاء السنن: ۱۷/ ۲۶۸۲۶۴، مفصلاً، کتاب التضحیة، باب ما یندب للمضحي في عشر ذي الحجة، ط: أشرفیة، دیوبند)

قال ابن حجر: ومن زعم أن المعنى هنا التشبه بالحجاج غلطوه بأنه يلزم عليه طلب الإمساك عن نحو الطيب ولا قائل به اهـ.وهو غلط فاحش من قائله ؛ لأن التشبه لا يلزم من جميع الوجوه، وقد وجه توجيهاً حسناً قي خصوص اجتناب قطع الشعر أو الظفر'. (مرقاة المفاتيح شرح مشكاة المصابيح (3/ 1081)

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 2502/45-3822

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

There are many statements about reciting Bismillah or not after Surah Al-Fatihah, but Allama Shami has recommended reciting Bismillah after Surah Al-Fatihah and before reciting a Surah, though it is not masnoon, but it is better to read. Hence, Bismillah should be recited before Surah. However, if recitation is started from the middle of a surah, it is better not to recite Bismillah. In any case, Sajdah Sahu will not be mandatory. Whatever Maulana said is not correct, reciting Bismillah or leaving it will not make any difference in the prayer.

عن ابن عمر رضي اللہ عنہ أنہ کان إذا افتتح الصلاۃ قرأ  بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم، فإذا فرغ من الحمد قرأ  بسم  اللہ  الرحمن الرحیم۔ (المصنف لابن أبي شیبۃ، مؤسسۃ علوم القرآن، جدید ۳/ ۳۷۷، رقم: ۴۱۷۸، قدیم رقم: ۴۱۵۵، المعجم الأوسط، دارالفکر ۱/ ۲۴۵، رقم: ۸۴۱)

ولا تسن بین الفاتحۃ والسورۃ مطلقا ولو سریۃ، ولا تکرہ اتفاقا۔ (درمختار، کتاب الصلاۃ، باب صفۃ الصلاۃ، کراچی ۱/ ۴۹۰، زکریا ۲/ ۱۹۲، حاشیۃ الطحطاوي علی مراقي الفلاح، کتاب الصلاۃ، فصل في کیفیۃ ترتیب أفعال الصلاۃ، جدید، دارالکتاب دیوبند ۲۸۲)

واتفقوا علی عدم الکراہۃ في ذکرہا بین الفاتحۃ والسورۃ، بل ہو أحسن، سواء کانت الصلاۃ سریۃ أو جہریۃ۔ (حاشیۃ الطحطاوي علی مراقي الفلاح، کتاب الصلاۃ، فصل في بیان سننہا، دارالکتاب ۱/ ۲۶۰)

وروی عن أبي نصر عن محمد رحمہ ﷲ: أنہ یأتي بالتسمیۃ عند افتتاح کل رکعۃ، وعند افتتاح السورۃ أیضا، وفي الفتاوی الغیاثیۃ: وہو المختار۔ (الفتاوی التاتارخانیۃ، کتاب الصلاۃ، الفصل الثالث في کیفیۃ الصلاۃ، زکریا ۲/ ۱۶۶، رقم: ۲۰۳۵)


And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


Islamic Creed (Aqaaid)

Ref. No. 1909/43-1798

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

We are not fully aware of the terms intraday trading, holding trading, banking stock etc. if you resubmit the question with details, we will send you the answer in-sha-Allah.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband